Let Allah's teachings inspire your actions, filling your endeavors with purpose and righteousness

Al-Wijdaan Institute of Canada is to weave compassion, justice, and service into a community that embraces the rich tradition of Islamic values. Established with a profound sense of duty to humanity, we are dedicated to enriching lives and fostering positive change guided by the principles of Islam.


Take Good Advice From People Who Pronounce It Though He Does Not Practice

Religion is sincerity, ‘To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk. (Sahih Muslim)

Today’s Prayer Times

Prayer Times In Edmonton, Alberta

In Edmonton, Alberta, prayer times follow Islamic traditions, offering structured moments for spiritual connection and devotion throughout the day.





Tahajjud is the whisper of the soul in the silence of the night, where hearts find peace and prayers find their way to the heavens.

Our Charity

Our Charitable And Donation Initiatives

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” Quran 3:92

Public Facility

Our facility is designed to provide a welcoming environment for various community activities, events, and gatherings. Committed to fostering unity and well-being.

Health Care & Support

With a commitment to the principles of compassion and social responsibility, our program aims to provide accessible and quality healthcare services.

Provide Shelter Homes

Our mission includes providing shelter homes for those in need, offering a refuge for the homeless and displaced. Join us in making a difference.

Support Us

We Need Your Help







Our Valuable Services


Words Of Our Donors

Our donors are the driving force behind our mission; their generous contributions empower us to make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve.

The Al-Wijdaan Foundation has been a beacon of support in our community. The various programs and initiatives have truly made a positive impact on the lives of many. The educational opportunities provided are helping to shape the future of our youth, and the charitable efforts are a testament to the foundation's commitment to compassion and justice.

Aisha R


I am grateful for the inclusive and welcoming environment that the Al-Wijdaan Foundation creates. The Hadith School has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of our faith, and the humanitarian projects have allowed me to actively contribute to making a difference. It's more than an organization; it's a community that cares.

Ahmed M

Community Member

The Al-Wijdaan Foundation has played a crucial role in providing shelter and support to those in need. I've witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of their initiatives. The commitment to social welfare and the values of Islam is truly inspiring. I am proud to be part of such a compassionate community.

Fatima K


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